Thursday, March 23, 2017

Face to Face with the Demonic

Some years ago I had a few demonic encounters that helped me understand what and how demons manifest and what they look like. These demons were visible, present and manifested right in front of me.  I wasn't terrified. It was in the form of a vision.  When I was done observing them I cast them out in the Name of Jesus.  They left.

You will recognize them.  They were not demons that come with horns, a cape and a pitchfork, they came in religious garb.  Religious demons are the worst kind.  The conventional demons like legion in the demonized man of gadarenes in the cemetery is easier to deal with.  They respond directly and quickly to the name of Jesus and leave.

Religious demons put up a fight you weren't prepared for.  They will try like satan did in the wilderness with Jesus to use scripture to keep from being dealt with.  They are more devious than their brothers who were sent into pigs.   Unless you know scripture well and have the Holy Ghost alive in you, deception is possible.

Many people infected with a religious demon are unaware until they begin to manifest demonically and start to see how they are behaving.  They need deliverance.  A demonized christian is actually dangerous because he or she will gather a following and lead them to destruction.  Jim Jones was one such.  Not every demonized christian is a Jim Jones but they are on that dangerous way, they need to be dealt with or they will end up on the highway to HELL. .

Back to the first demon I met.  He was a tall man.  Dressed in garb like a priest or a monk.  He looked down on me.  He tried to make me feel inferior.  I did.. for a bit.  He had a trumpet in his hand.  Every time he said something he blew the trumpet to get attention.  He loved to be the center of attention.  He kept saying things that could only be interpreted as TISK TISK TISK.  His critical judgmental countenance put me on edge and made me feel like everything I ever knew or believed was called into question.  Then I recognized him for who he was.  The ultra Orthodox guardian of all truth (as defined by the devil) and the one who could judge you severely for straying from his supposed truth.  Yet every time he uttered some vile judgment on others he would blow his trumpet.  He was skinny.  Not thin.  SKINNY.  Why that's important I don't know, but it mattered.  As he was in my presence and I watched and heard from him I became aware I was seeing an evil demon disguised as christian.  At that realization when I had had enough of this demon I cried out aloud, BE GONE IN THE NAME OF JESUS. 

And he was.  Just that quickly.  I didn't have to put up with it.

Here's what I learned from that encounter. Ridicule might have been better.  Most religious demons have zero sense of humor.  They take themselves way too seriously.  They think they have an edge on revelation and trumpet themselves every time they speak or write.  It would be easy to ignore unless you have a call on your life to warn people away from the junior Jim Joneses of the world.  There is destruction in submitting even a little to a religious demon.

I am not talking about a difference of opinion on biblical things. My view of the end times will differ from most, but I'm not going to argue about it.  Where I get sideways with the religious demons is when they attack what God is doing to draw people to himself.   When they begin to operate in judgement of others. When they derail the spiritual journey many have begun as they tisk tisk tisk their degrading of God's activity in the earth.  They are dangerous and need to be called out.  That's what a five fold minister must do.  Call the error we see.  It's not hard, but it is essential.  Ridicule and direct confrontation is essential.  If you don't take action many will be led astray. 

So be bold and strong.  Recognize the demons for who they are and cast them out. 

Next time, the fat pig demon.  This is disgusting, but they are everywhere.

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