Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Face to Face with a Religious Demon - The Fat One

I wrote previously of the tall skinny demon I had a confrontation with. 

About the same time I had another confrontation with another demon of religion.  It was about this time of year.  Religious demons manifest most during the Lenten Easter season.  Never do for Christmas.  I guess the demons hate the idea of a full propitiation for sin.  But that's another topic.

It was late at night.  Suddenly before me a short fat man appeared.  He wasn't just overweight, he was a fatty.  In front of him was a huge table of food. He was eating as fast as he could. Shooing away anyone with whom he might have shared.  He was actually angry at those who thought they should find a place at the table.  He was dressed in a monk's cloak.  Hood and all.  When it seemed he could not eat more he accelerated.

Then the table turned to things, money, recognition, land all kinds of things that we see in the world as examples of riches.  He was a greedy for that as ever before.  He guarded and hoarded all these things for himself.  He was not just stingy or miserly, he was aggressive in grabbing all he could.  ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD.  Taking the name of the Lord in Vain is not unusual for a demon.  They come as an angel of light but are devils to the core.

I did not speak to him, but when I looked for even a moment at the hoarded bounty he had, he glared at me and as such warned me off.

After I had enough of this, I spoke the name of Jesus and commanded him to go.  He did.

Here's what that showed me.  Religions demons are the opposite of Godliness.  They are not willing to help anyone unless it is for glory or honor, then only as long as it feeds that hunger.  They are all consuming.  Nothing is outside the demon's desire for more.  All for me,  none for you is the mantra of the demon.

We expect this from the world, but the world even sees this is wrong.  It rejects the idea of unfettered greed. 

Among the demonized religious it has become accepted that this kind of greed is normal.  We see them build hungry hoarding ministries and short of the monks robe (some are robed) we know they really that demon.

I won't name names, but when you see unsatiated Hunger for:
  • Money
  • Land
  • Empire
  • Ministry Size
  • Members
  • Honor
  • Title
  • Riches
  • Status

  • and YES FOOD

There are ministers in the pulpit that manifest this demon.. and they need deliverance. 

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